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V.2 BasicBabyCollection - Style Bbybare
V.2 BasicBabyCollection - Style Bbybare
V.2 BasicBabyCollection - Style Bbybare
V.2 BasicBabyCollection - Style Bbybare

Designer Lashes

V.2 BasicBabyCollection - Style Bbybare


The perfect everyday lash for a minimalist look!!

Looking to add a little length & definition to your no-makeup-makeup kinda look? Look no further! Shop our new #BasicBabyCollection! A range of super affordable Day-to-Day Lashes! Made from pbt vegan fibre our innovative bandless lash boasts a delicate 0.08mm invisible band - the most superior on the market for a look as natural as your own lashes but better!! Super comfortable, easy to apply & perfect for every occasion. Reusable up to 15 times. Vegan & cruelty-free.

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