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Pro Accounts

MUAS! WE GOT YOUR BACK! When you barely have time to eat (yes a latte can count as a meal right?!") we give you one less thing to stress about! Our MUA pro accounts are made for you!
The more you spend, the more you save...YES it's really that simple! Why not stock up for the month?... we know how many clients you can get through and a make up artists worse nightmare...running out of lashes!
Our lashes are already super affordable but with your pro account discounts, they're a steal! Your clients will love them as much as we love you! 
 'Start me Off' Kit > Spend £100-£175 for 40% OFF 
 'Stock me Up' Kit > Spend £175-£250 for 50% OFF 
'Big Spender' Kit> Spend £250 or more for 60% OFF 
Fill in our form (promise it's quick!) and we will handle the rest for ya! 

Please contact for more info! 

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