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“We’re here to take over!” 
This was our motto when we decided to revamp Designer Lashes! 
What’s changed? 
We wanted to bring you THE most perfect lashes without having to worry that a furry little friend has been harmed!  We realised we couldn’t guarantee that animals were being treated fairly when sourcing hair for false eyelashes and that’s not a risk we want to take! We don’t follow the crowd. Ethically sourced glam has become our mission and we hope you will join us! 
Our lashes are now made from the very best sources quality silk & synthetic material with each style being creatively designed and handmade in Indonesia. 
Has this taken longer than expected, been an absolute rollercoaster and made us loose our sanity at times? Absolutely! Has it been worth every second?! Of course! Perfection takes time and we have really focused on bringing you 10/10 lashes that we really hope you love and cannot wait to show you our fabulous new collections! 

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